24 November, 2010

Evangelical Faith Now an Official Religion in Albania!

November 22, 2010.  Pastor Viktor Muco who is also the President of the Albanian Evangelical Alliance (VUSH) officially received the signed proclamation by which the Government declares that now the Evangelical Faith is one of the official religions of the country!     The other four are: Muslim, Orthodox, Roman Catholic and the Bektashi.

This is a wonderful victory! 118 years ago this request was first made by the just founded Evangelical Alliance of that time.  Albania was still under the Ottoman Empire then, and the Sultan refused.

All religion was banned under communism and only in 1991 we were able to come back into the country to proclaim Gods Word. The AEP (Albanian Encouragement Project) was formed in May 1991, where many missions from many countries collaborated to bring the Gospel and humanitarian aid as well as structural help into the country.  Also the VUSH was revived.

To my knowledge in 1991 only 4 believers were still alive from those Evangelicals from before the Second World War.  What joy for them when we were able to proclaim the Gospel openly after many decades of atheism!  We held stadium meetings in the beginning of July 1991, and that was the rebirth of the Church. Some 400 new believers attended church after those meetings and baptismal service that was held at the artificial lake of Tirana immediately after the stadium meetings. Since then, an estimated 30.000 people in Albania found the Lord Jesus as their Savior and LORD!  The rebirth of the Church in Albania is almost 20 years ago now and it is a blessing to see Albanian pastors, missionaries and workers not only in Albania but also outside of Albania, serving the LORD! 

 Please pray for us: God Loves Albania Ministries, as we are continuing to serve the LORD and the nation of Albania!

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